From LOD to LOUD:
making data usable

Workshop at SWIB18

Fabian Steeg / @fsteeg & Adrian Pohl / @acka47 & Pascal Christoph / @dr0ide
Linked Open Data, Hochschulbibliothekszentrum NRW (hbz)

Bonn, 2018-11-26

This presentation:
Creative Commons License


Part IConvert RDF data into usable JSON-LD13:15-15:00
Part IIIndex and access the data with Elasticsearch15:00-16:30
Part IIIUse the data to build a web application16:30-17:30
Part IVUse the data in existing tools: Kibana, OpenRefine17:30-18:45

Our background & experience

Hochschulbibliothekszentrum des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, est. 1973

= Academic library center of North Rhine-Westphalia

Software services for libraries in NRW and beyond

E.g. union catalog, discovery portal DigiBib, ILL, digitization & digital preservation, consortial acquisition

SWIB co-organizer

hbz flyer in English (PDF)

lobid: hbz's LOD service, providing bibliographic data, authorities & organizations

Started 2010 with open data publication, triple store & Perl transformation script

Original team: Adrian, Pascal, Felix. Fabian joined in 2012.

2013: First API release based on JSON-LD & Elasticsearch

2017–2018: LOUD with lobid API 2.0 |

Your background & experience


Bulk data processing?

Command line?

Software development?


Term coined by Robert Sanderson in 2016 (see also his Linked Pasts Keynote)

Linked Open Usable Data (LOUD)

Core idea: to make your data useful you have to know and cater to your audience

Primary audience of LOD: people developing (1st and 2nd party) or using (3rd party) software to access the data

LOUD: oriented towards the needs and conventions for developing software

Source: Rob Sanderson, "Shout it Out: LOUD", CC-BY (video)

Source: Rob Sanderson, "Shout it Out: LOUD", CC-BY (video)

Design for JSON-LD
from RDF, consistently

(Our background & this workshop: we start with RDF data)

Part I:
Convert RDF data into usable JSON-LD

Usable data & APIsApplication Programming Interfaces: why, how13:00-13:15
JSON APIsUsing the GitHub API, processing JSON13:15-14:00
From RDF to JSONJSON-LD processing with jsonld.js via jsonld-cli14:00-15:00

Part Ia.

Usable data & APIs

APIs: why, how

Usable data [& APIs]

Data is used with software

Build new software with the data

Use existing software with the data

Libraries are Software

Our collections and services are delivered primarily via software. [...] The choices we make in the development, selection, and implementation of this software [...] define the limits of our content and services. We can only be as good as our software.
— Cody Hanson, Libraries are Software

[Usable data &] APIs

requires APIs

APIs make software development manageable
(for 1st and 2nd party software)

APIs enable usage and integration of 3rd party software

e.g. lobid sources, formats, applications

APIs decouple applications from specific data sources, formats, and systems. They enable modular, sustainable applications.

API: why?

Right abstraction for the audience

Data is used with software

Software requires APIs

API: why?

Usable data
is data with APIs

API: how?

3. Don't break the web

API: how?


standard web API format since years



  "current_user_url": "",
  "authorizations_url": "",
  "emails_url": "",
  "emojis_url": "",
  "events_url": "",
  "feeds_url": "",
  "followers_url": "",
  "gists_url": "{/gist_id}",
  "hub_url": "",

Part Ib.


Using the GitHub API, processing JSON


($ git pull origin master)


Command line tool for transferring data with URLs

$ curl --help

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

Exercise 1a: cURL


$ curl

# Copy above, paste in terminal
$ curl

$ ↑ # access the history
$ curl

(You can copy and paste in the terminal with Shift+Ctrl+C and Shift+Ctrl+V)

Exercise 1b: cURL


$ curl<???> # user or org

$ curl<???>

('<???>' means you should insert your solution here)

We have a repo for this workshop called 'swib18-workshop' under the 'hbz' organization

Exercise 1c: cURL


$ curl

$ curl

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)


$ curl
  "id": 150073510,
  "node_id": "MDEwOlJlcG9zaXRvcnkxNTAwNzM1MTA=",
  "name": "swib18-workshop",
  "full_name": "hbz/swib18-workshop",
  "private": false,
  "owner": {
    "login": "hbz",
    "id": 6557108,
    "node_id": "MDEyOk9yZ2FuaXphdGlvbjY1NTcxMDg=",
    "avatar_url": "",
    "gravatar_id": "",

Output is quite long, we often want specific values

JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

var options = {
  url: '',
  headers: { 'User-Agent': 'hbz' }

request(options, function (error, response, body) {
  var doc = JSON.parse(body);
  console.log('repo license:', // <-- use JSON

> Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International


A lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor

$ jq --help

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

Exercise 2a: JSON with jq

$ curl \
| jq .name # filter: .name

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

Exercise 2b: JSON with jq


$ curl | jq <???> # get the number of open issues

$ curl | jq <???> # get the repo's license name

('<???>' means you should insert your solution here)

Exercise 2c: JSON with jq


$ curl | jq .open_issues_count

$ curl | jq

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

So JSON is great.

But what if we have RDF data?

Part Ic.

From RDF to JSON

JSON-LD processing with jsonld.js via jsonld-cli

Bibframe datasets (N-Triples)

Example work

Source file:


"designed to be usable directly as JSON, with no knowledge of RDF" — it's real JSON!

"also designed to be usable as RDF"

5. Design for JSON-LD, consistently

Great, so let's make JSON-LD from RDF


JSON-LD command line interface tool

Our fork of, added import from N-Quads

$ jsonld --help

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

Exercise 3:
N-Triples to JSON-LD


$ cd ~/git/swib18-workshop/data

$ jsonld import loc.nt

$ jsonld import loc.nt > loc.json

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)


 "@id": "",
 "": [{
  "@id": ""
 }, ...]
}, {
 "@id": "",
 "@type": [
 "": [{
  "@value": "Climatic changes--Europe."

Serialized RDF as JSON-LD | Specification

Exercise 3a:
Use serialized RDF to access subjects

Identify field

$ cat loc.json | less
Access field

# like, but for subject labels?
$ cat loc.json | jq <???>


Can't work: we have just a flat array of objects, which label?

Problem: only technically JSON, but not usable

So JSON is great?

Worst of both worlds

Unwieldy URIs as keys from RDF

Syntactic overhead from JSON

Bad readability & usability


 "@id": "",
 "": [{
  "@id": ""
 }, ...]
}, {
 "@id": "",
 "@type": [
 "": [{
  "@value": "Climatic changes--Europe."

Serialized RDF as JSON-LD | Specification

Data processing vs. API access

Data processing

for o in doc :
		if o["@type"] contains "" :
			subjectId = o[""][0]["@id"] // + error handling

for o in doc :
	if o["@id"] == subjectId :
		subjectLabel = o[""]["@value"] // + error handling
API access // doc.subject.label?

Developer empathy

When it comes to APIs, developers are your users. The same principles of user-centred-design apply to the development and publication of APIs (simplicity, obviousness, fit-for-purpose etc).
API Design Guide, Digital Transformation Agency, Australia

Non-developer empathy

Default RDF -> JSON-LD requires programming with loops & conditionals to access a single nested field, the subject label

Should be as simple as

Not providing an API actually excludes non-developers by putting up barriers for usage with CLI or GUI tools

Few barriers to entry

Design for JSON-LD from RDF, consistently


Frame the way we look at our graph from the perspective of one entity type (to make it a tree, or a document)

Look at my data from a "Work" perspective, and embed other entities under their works

Exercise 4:

frame .json

 "@type": "",
 "@embed": "@always"

$ jsonld frame -f frame.json loc.json

$ jsonld frame -f frame.json loc.json > loc-framed.json

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)


 "@id": "",
 "": [{
   "@type": [
   "": "Climatic changes--Europe."
 }, {...}],

Framed JSON-LD | Specification

Exercise 4a:
Use framed JSON-LD to access subjects

Identify field

$ cat loc-framed.json | less
Access field

# like, but for subject labels?
$ cat loc-framed.json | jq <???>


Could work conceptually, but not very handy

2. As simple as possible?

JSON-LD Context

Mapping of JSON keys to URIs:

With this context, we can compact (replace URIs with short keys) or expand (replace short keys with URIs) our JSON-LD ⇄ name


How do we get the context?

Does LOC or somebody else already provide one? – No.

Here: context generated from ontologies with (much) manual post-processing

Alternatives: upfront design or generate from data

To be discussed in JSON-LD break-out session

Context: more than simple mappings

Few exceptions, many consistent patterns


e.g. the contribution field should always be an array, even if a particular record has only one contribution | spec

Other fields, which occur only once for every record can use the default non-array single values

To have all fields always be arrays: compacting option compactArrays:false

(Consistent field types also required for Elasticsearch indexing)

Describing values

e.g. field 'contribution' should always be a JSON array

"contribution": {
  "@id": "",
  "@container": "@set"

See context specification for details

Exercise 5:


$ jsonld compact -c context.json loc-framed.json

$ jsonld compact -c context.json loc-framed.json > loc-compact.json

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)


 "@id": "",
 "subject": [
   "id": "",
   "type": [
   "label": "Climatic changes--Europe."
 ], ...

Compacted JSON-LD | Specification

Exercise 5a:
Use compact JSON-LD to access subjects

Identify field

$ cat loc-compact.json | less
Full Title

$ cat loc-compact.json | jq .label

# like, but for subject labels?
$ cat loc-compact.json | jq <???>

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

Exercise 5a:

like .license .name?

$ cat loc-compact.json | jq .subject.label

jq: error: Cannot index array with string "label"
Access one

$ cat loc-compact.json | jq .subject[0].label
Access all

$ cat loc-compact.json | jq .subject[].label

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

Missing values in context

Un-mapped URI in the data

Will still be URI after compaction

Iterate: compact, check data, fix context, compact again

Exercise 5b: Fix context

Check paths

$ cat loc-compact.json | jq -c 'path(..)'
Find URIs

$ cat loc-compact.json | jq -c 'path(..)' | grep http
Update context

"value" : ""

$ jsonld compact -c context.json loc-framed.json > loc-compact.json

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

Exercise 6: Use final JSON

Identify fields

$ cat loc-compact.json | less

$ cat loc-compact.json | jq <???> # get authors

$ cat loc-compact.json | jq <???> # get subtitle
To N-Quads

$ jsonld format -q data/loc-compact.json

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

Exercise 6: Solutions


$ cat loc-compact.json | jq .contribution[].agent.label

$ cat loc-compact.json | jq .title.subtitle

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

So JSON is great

Best of both worlds

RDF-compatible linked data

Useful, practical JSON

RDF view

Multiple steps to make usable JSON-LD

Serialize RDF as JSON-LD, frame, compact

1. Require use cases, with data

JSON view

Add context to usable JSON

(Add @ids where needed)

Context maps stable API to implementation details

Applications can use the 'name' field in their code, no matter what URI it's mapped to (which unfortunately may change)

JSON with context

(based on part of

  "@id": "",
  "type": "Organization",
  "name": "hbz",
  "blog": "",

  "@context": {
    "type": "@type",
    "name": "",
    "blog": { "@id": "", "@type": "@id" },
    "Organization": ""

You can test this in the JSON-LD Playground


  "@context": "...",
  "type": "Organization",
  "name": "hbz",
  "blog": "",

<> \
<> \
<> .
<> <> "hbz" .
<> <> \
<> .

Output of N-Quads tab in the JSON-LD Playground

Part I: Convert RDF data into usable JSON-LD

Part II: Index and access the data with Elasticsearch

Part II:
Index and access the data with Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch bulk indexingCreate bulk format with jq, index with curl15:00-15:30
Access the Elasticsearch indexSearch queries, direct access by ID16:00-16:30

Part IIa.

Elasticsearch bulk indexing

Create bulk format with jq, index with curl


"A distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine"

Based on Lucene, like Solr

Stores JSON documents, no explicit schema required

Exercise 7: Convert more data (100 documents)

Input file

$ tail loc-100.nt

$ jsonld import <???>

$ jsonld frame <???>

$ jsonld compact <???>

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

Exercise 7: Solutions


$ jsonld import loc-100.nt > loc-100.json

$ jsonld frame -f frame.json loc-100.json > loc-100-framed.json

$ jsonld compact -c context.json loc-100-framed.json > loc-100-compact.json

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

Elasticsearch bulk format

{@context: ...,"id":"http://...","type":["Work","Text"],...}


Input data format

  "@context": { ... },
  "@graph": [
    { "id": "http://.../1", "type": ["Work", "Text"], ... },
    { "id": "http://.../2", "type": ["Work", "Text"], ... },

We want to process each element of the @graph array

Exercise 8a: Document line


$ cat loc-100-compact.json | jq
All, 1 line

$ cat loc-100-compact.json | jq -c .
Each doc, 1 line

$ cat loc-100-compact.json | jq -c '.["@graph"][]'

@graph requires special escaping in jq with ', [], "

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

Second line for each pair in bulk.ndjson: 1 doc in 1 line

Exercise 8b: Metadata line

Like previous

$ cat loc-100-compact.json | \
jq -c '.["@graph"][] | .'
Construct JSON

$ cat loc-100-compact.json | \
jq -c '.["@graph"][] | { test:1 }'
Insert values

$ cat loc-100-compact.json | \
jq -c '.["@graph"][] | { }'
Full metadata

$ cat loc-100-compact.json | \
jq -c '.["@graph"][] | { "index":{"_index":"loc", "_type":"work", "_id"} }'

First line for each pair in bulk.ndjson: index metadata

Exercise 8c: Putting it together

Insert newline with -r

$ cat loc-100-compact.json | jq -r \
'.["@graph"][] | "\({meta:1})\n\({data:2})"'
Write bulk .ndjson

$ cat loc-100-compact.json | jq -r \
'.["@graph"][] | "\({ "index":{"_index":"loc", "_type":"work", "_id"} })\n\(.)"' \
> bulk.ndjson

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

Elasticsearch bulk API

Send the bulk.ndjson file to the Elasticsearch bulk API

HTTP POST to /_bulk


You Know,
for Search


Exercise 9: Bulk indexing

Check data

$ tail -n 2 bulk.ndjson
Index data

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" \
-XPOST localhost:9200/_bulk \
--data-binary "@bulk.ndjson" | jq
Check index

$ curl localhost:9200/loc/work/_search | jq

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)


Part IIb.

Access the Elasticsearch index

Search queries, direct access by ID

Elasticsearch URI search

Search query as part of the URI (very versatile: full text, fields, boolean operators, wildcards, etc.)

(Won't cover here: body search, even more advanced)

HTTP GET .../<index>/<type>/_search?q=<query-string>

Elasticsearch documentation

Exercise 10a: Query syntax

Full text

$ curl localhost:9200/loc/work/_search?q=<???> | jq
Field search

# <field>:<term>
$ curl localhost:9200/loc/work/_search?q=<???> | jq

$ curl localhost:9200/loc/work/_search?q=<???> | jq

# truncate with *
$ curl localhost:9200/loc/work/_search?q=<???> | jq

('<???>' means you should insert your solution here)

Exercise 10b: Solutions

Full text

$ curl localhost:9200/loc/work/_search?q=america | jq
Field search

$ curl localhost:9200/loc/work/_search?q=label:letters | jq

$ curl localhost:9200/loc/work/_search?q=canada+OR+alaska | jq

$ curl localhost:9200/loc/work/_search?q=ameri* | jq

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

Direct access by ID

Direct doc access: /<index>/<type>/<id>

But our index IDs are URIs


Exercise 11a: Re-index

jq: split

$ cat loc-compact.json | jq '(.id / "/") | last'
Recreate bulk .ndjson

$ cat loc-100-compact.json | jq -r \
'.["@graph"][] | "\({ "index":{"_index":"loc", "_type":"work", "_id":(.id / "/") | last} })\n\(.)"' > bulk.ndjson
Delete index

$ curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/loc | jq

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" \
-XPOST localhost:9200/_bulk \
--data-binary "@bulk.ndjson" | jq

Exercise 11b: GET by ID


$ curl "localhost:9200/<???>/<???>/<???>" \
| jq
Source only, formatted

$ curl \
"localhost:9200/<???>/<???>/<???>/_source" \
| jq

('<???>' means you should insert your solution here)

Exercise 11c: Solutions


$ curl "localhost:9200/loc/work/c000000026" \
| jq
Source only, formatted

$ curl "localhost:9200/loc/work/c000000026/_source" \
| jq

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

Direct access by ID

Direct access by ID: /<index>/<type>/<id>


Exercise 12a: Remote JSON to N-Quads


$ jsonld format -q loc-compact.json

$ jsonld format -q http://localhost:9200/loc/work/c000000026/_source

No context: was included once, at top level, with @graph

Input data format

  "@context": { ... },
  "@graph": [
    { "id": "http://.../1", "type": ["Work", "Text"], ... },
    { "id": "http://.../2", "type": ["Work", "Text"], ... },

We processed & indexed each element of the @graph array

Add context

Need to include for each document

Not embedded, but remote: add context URL

(Server needs to serve context as application/ld+json, with CORS header, we will cover CORS in part III)

Exercise 12b: Serve context

Run server (new terminal)

$ cd ~/git/swib18-workshop ; npm start
Access context (old terminal)

$ curl http://localhost:3000/context.json | jq

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

Exercise 12c: Link to context

jq: add JSON

$ cat loc-100-compact.json | \
jq -c '.["@graph"][] | . + {"test": 1}'
Add context URL

$ cat loc-100-compact.json | \
jq -c '.["@graph"][] | . + {"@context":"http://localhost:3000/context.json"}'
Write bulk .ndjson

$ cat loc-100-compact.json | jq -r \
'.["@graph"][] | "\({ "index":{"_index":"loc", "_type":"work", "_id":(.id / "/") | last} })\n\({"@context":"http://localhost:3000/context.json"}+.)"' > bulk.ndjson

Exercise 12d: Reindex and use

Delete index

$ curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/loc | jq

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" \
-XPOST localhost:9200/_bulk \
--data-binary "@bulk.ndjson" | jq
To N-Quads

$ jsonld format -q http://localhost:9200/loc/work/c000000026/_source

('$' means you should type this in your terminal application)

API: How — JSON over HTTP

Serving our data as JSON over HTTP, serializable as RDF

Elasticsearch: so much more

Boosting, Analyzers, Aggregations, etc.

Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide (concepts)

Elasticsearch Reference (current API)

Part II: Index and access the data with Elasticsearch

Part III: Use the data to build a web application

Part III:
Use the data to build a web application

Search pageHTML page for index search16:00-16:30
Sample searchesUse the page to query the data16:30-17:00
Hypothes.isEmbed in HTML, add annotations to document the data17:00-17:30

Part IIIa.

Search page

HTML page for index search

Exercise 13: HTML

Edit new file

$ gedit search.html &
Paste content

<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="UTF-8">
		Hello HTML
Open in browser

$ chromium-browser search.html &


Provides API to simplify interaction with the browser DOM (document object model)

Dynamic content, user interaction, web service calls

Exercise 14: Text Input

  <!-- previous head content -->
  <script src="">

	<input id='search' type='text'/>
		$('#search').keyup(function() {
			var q = $('#search').val();
	<div id='result'></div>

(Open your browser's developer tools with Ctrl+Shift+I to see the console.log output)


"Asynchronous JavaScript And XML"

Asynchronous JavaScript And XML JSON

Call web services, do something when we get the result

Part of the browser: XMLHttpRequest

Also available in JQuery: $.ajax(options)

Exercise 15: AJAX request

$('#search').keyup(function() { // <-- insert after this
  var q = encodeURIComponent($('#search').val());
	url: `http://localhost:9200/loc/work/_search?&q=${q}`,
	success: function(result) {
	error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
		console.log(textStatus, ': ', errorThrown);

(Open your browser's developer tools with Ctrl+Shift+I to see the console.log output)

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)

Error: not allowed by Access-Control-Allow-Origin

Client (our HTML+JS) is in a different location than the web service API we are calling (Elasticsearch server)

API server needs to set header: Access-Control-Allow-Origin

Specify which domain can make requests, or set it to * to allow access from anywhere

Exercise 16: Configure CORS

Edit config file

$ sudo gedit /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml
Add content

"http": {
    "cors.enabled": true,
    "cors.allow-origin": "*"
Restart Elasticsearch

$ sudo service elasticsearch restart
Check log

$ sudo tail -f /var/log/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.log

Stop the tail command with Ctrl+C after the restart is complete ("started")

Exercise 17:
AJAX request, second try

$('#search').keyup(function() { // <-- insert after this
  var q = encodeURIComponent($('#search').val());
	url: `http://localhost:9200/loc/work/_search?&q=${q}`,
	success: function(result) {
	error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
		console.log(textStatus, ': ', errorThrown);

(Open your browser's developer tools with Ctrl+Shift+I to see the console.log output)

Response format

  "took": 1,
  "timed_out": false,
  "hits": {
    "total": 100,
    "max_score": 1,
    "hits": [
        "_index": "loc",
        "_type": "work",
        "_id": "c000000007",
        "_score": 1,
        "_source": {
          "@context": "context.json",
          "id": "",

Exercise 18: Process hits

success: function(result) {
	console.log(JSON.stringify(result)); // add after this
	var hits = result.hits.hits;
	for (let hit of hits) {
		var label = hit._source.label;
		$("#result").append('<hr/>' + label);

Append the label of each hit to the result div in our HTML

Exercise 19: Improve UI

Total hits



Hits: ${}


$("#result").append('<hr/>' + label);

var link = `${label}`;
' + link);

Show total hits, link from each hit to its JSON

Part IIIb.

Sample searches

Use the page to query the data


Which field? How is it nested?

Samples very useful as documentation

Embed a live sample from the index in the search UI

Documentation with working examples

(Read more about how we document the lobid API)

Exercise 20: columns

Wrap body content in divs

<div class='row'>
  <div class='col'>
    <code><pre id='sample'></pre></code>
  <div class='col'>
Define CSS styles in head

  <!-- previous head content -->
    .row { display: flex; }
    .col { flex: 50%; margin: 5px; }
    #sample { white-space: pre-wrap; }

Exercise 21:
Embed sample from index

  url: 'http://localhost:9200/loc/work/c000000026/_source',
  success: function(result) {
    $("#sample").html(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2));
  error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
    console.log(textStatus, ': ', errorThrown);
 // previous script content here

(Open your browser's developer tools with Ctrl+Shift+I to see the console.log output)

Comprehensible by introspection

Look at sample document

Full query access to every field you see

(Look up details for meaning of keys in the context)

What you see is what you can query

Don't pre-define fixed params for authors, subjects, etc.

Instead define a general syntax to query any field

New fields added to the data can immediately be queried

4. Define success, not failure

Exercise 22: Query syntax

Field search

??? # <field>:<term>

??? # AND, OR

??? # truncate with *

??? # <field>:[* TO <???>], creation date?

??? # _exists_:<field>, geo information?

Elasticsearch query string documentation

Exercise 22: Solutions

Field search


canada OR alaska


adminMetadata.creationDate:[* TO 1995-12-31]


Elasticsearch query string documentation

Part IIIc.

Embed in HTML, add annotations to document the data

"Annotate the web, with anyone, anywhere"

"Use Hypothesis right now to hold discussions, read socially, organize your research, and take personal notes"

or: to create sample-based, collaborative documentation

Based on browser plugin, proxy server, or embedded JS

Exercise 23:

  <!-- previous head content -->

  <script type="application/json" class="js-hypothesis-config">
    { "openSidebar": true }

  <script src="" async></script>

  <link rel="canonical" 

(Only embed.js script is required, config and canonical link are optional)

Exercise 24:
Add annotations

Based on your experience in the query exercise, pick a field and document it like in one of the sample annotations

Markdown syntax is supported for links etc.

Use the `swib18-workshop` tag to make it searchable

Part III: Use the data to build a web application

Part IV: Use the data with existing tools

Part IV:
Use the data with existing tools

KibanaCreate visualizations for local index data; look at full data visualizations17:30-18:15
OpenRefineUse index data in OpenRefine; brief intro to the reconciliation API18:15-18:45

Part IVa.


Create visualizations for local index data; look at full data visualizations


"Explore, Visualize, Discover Data"

Open source data visualization plugin for Elasticsearch

Running locally at http://localhost:5601/

Exercise 25: Bar chart

Create a bar chart visualization for the 'contribution.agent.type' field

(Kibana will display an additional 'keyword' suffix)

Exercise 26: Pie chart

Create a pie chart visualization for the 'adminMetadata.source.label' field

(Kibana will display an additional 'keyword' suffix)

Exercise 27: Tag cloud

Create a tag cloud visualization for the 'subject.componentList.authoritativeLabel' field

(Kibana will display an additional 'keyword' suffix)

Kibana: so much more

Other types of aggregations

Multiple aggregations in a visualization

Other visualization types

full LOC index

Part IVb.


Use index data in OpenRefine; brief intro to the reconciliation API


"A powerful tool for working with messy data"

"cleaning it; transforming it from one format into another; and extending it with web services and external data"

Spreadsheet-like user interface, in the browser, locally

Run with ./refine in your OpenRefine location, then open http://localhost:3333/

Exercise 28:
Getting labels for IDs

Copy the lines above to the clipboard

Create URL to get JSON → http://localhost:9200/loc/work/c000000011/_source
"http://localhost:9200/loc/work/" + split(value, '/')[-1] + "/_source"

(Copy this to the clipboard)

Exercise 29:
Add first contributing agent


Exercise 30:
Getting IDs for labels

Letters from an American farmer
Italian journeys
Report of the trial of George Ryan
The devil upon crutches in England
Educational interests of Colorado

"http://localhost:9200/loc/work/_search?q=\"" + replace(value, " ", "+") + "\""


Reconciliation API

All of the above: nothing specific built for OpenRefine, just JSON over HTTP, and lots to explore in OpenRefine

Implement OpenRefine Reconciliation API (serve some specific JSON) for better integration in OpenRefine UI

Select best matches using scores and small inline previews, filter by type, suggest fields for data extension, etc.

Reconciliation details


Part IConvert RDF data into usable JSON-LD
Part IIIndex & query the data with Elasticsearch
Part IIIUse the data to build a web application
Part IVUse it in existing tools: Kibana, OpenRefine

Time for questions, discussions, feedback

Question from #eubfws2018

Miklós Hubay, "The Past, the Present & the Future of the Semantic Web & BIBFRAME in National Széchényi Library, Hungary"

LOUD is more than a nice JSON-LD API

(But a nice JSON-LD API is LOUDer than an RDF file)

Let's recall

Source: Rob Sanderson, "Shout it Out: LOUD", CC-BY

Bibframe, from LOD to LOUD?

Source: Rob Sanderson, "Shout it Out: LOUD", CC-BY

1. Require use cases, with data

Code for exercises and HTML for slides available on the web

Creative Commons License